Download Gang and Turf Mod V1.8

Gang and Turf Mod 1.4

This mod requires the following to work properly:
Script Hook V
Script Hook V Dot Net (tested with v3.0.3)
Native UI (tested with v1.9.1)

Also, Script Hook V Dot Net requires the following:
.NET Framework ≥ 4.8
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 x64

This mod tries to create a gang and turf system similar to that of Gta San Andreas. With it, you are able to control a gang with a name and members of your choice, take over territories of San Andreas and fight against other gangs for the control of those territories. Control of zones of the world provides constant income.

Drag the scripts folder and the gangModData folder into your GTAV folder.
If you’re installing NativeUI as well: just like this mod’s .dll, it goes inside the scripts folder too.
If you are using Bilago’s mod manager,
create a folder for this mod inside the “GTAV Mods” folder
and then extract the scripts folder into the one you’ve just created.
The GangModData folder must still be put inside the GTAV folder,
or else data won’t be saved properly.
When updating from a previous version, don’t overwrite your “gangModData” folder, or else you’ll lose your saved data!

Default basic Controls:
B – Open mod options/gang options and upgrades menu
Shift + B – Open contextual registration menu: gang member registration when on foot and facing a pedestrian, vehicle registration when inside a vehicle
N – Check current zone name and ownership
Shift + N – Open zone controls menu
Ctrl + N – Toggle between zone blip modes (show nearest 5, show all, show none)
Aim at friendly member + H – Add/remove member to/from group (he will follow you around)
Aim at friendly vehicle + H – Make the vehicle back you up (come to you and drop passengers if you’re on foot; escort you if you’re inside a vehicle)
Aim at friendly member + J – Take control of target member (the armor bar represents the member’s health) / return to protagonist
Spacebar (when controlling a member that has been killed) – Take control of nearest member

Controls are configurable ingame.

Reported/known Incompatibilities (if you find out a new one, or notice that one of the mods cited here are no longer having compatibility issues, please report!)
-”Real | RAGE Weapons and Damage Enhancer”: reported by Thumblesteen, causes member deaths during wars to not affect reinforcement counts. Needs confirmation, though: Spidermonk111 had no issues, apparently
-“Vitality”: Vitality is a pretty awesome mod that affects max health and regeneration; however, that conflicts with the way gang member mind control is implemented, making it possible to get “wasted” while controlling a member (which shouldn’t happen without Vitality). If you don’t use this mod’s member mind control feature, you shouldn’t have any problem using Vitality.

More information on how to use this mod here.

Want to see Families, Ballas, Vagos and the other “lore-friendly” gangs? Check out Renlou’s Gangs file!

This mod is open source on GitHub. Contributions are welcome!

Special Thanks:
Eddlm, for the vehicle flags forum thread, which helped a lot when making gang cars a bit less crazy haha
Zixum, for making neat tweaks to the mod!
sover9, for adding more zones to TurfZoneData!
Leon Van Loon, for donating!
Everyone that has downloaded and/or commented here

– Vehicle mods support (contributed by Kassiter)
– Members shouldn’t drown in water
– Possible fix for war spawning error

– Possible fix for errors in wars

– Fixed localization folder name

– Fix for gangs possibly never being wiped out
– Tweaks for vehicles with guns
– Fix for parachuting peds not despawning when far away
– Added modOptions: gangHelicoptersEnabled, maxAdditionalCostToTakeTurf , maxDistanceToPreserveKilledOffscreen , gangMembersRagdollWhenShot, gangMembersReactToFriendliesBeingShot
– Attempts at mitigating spawnkilling
– I’ve added placeholder locale files for the WIP localization system, so no more “couldn’t find en-US” errors! (add the “locales” folder provided in the zip to your gangModData folder; the rest doesn’t have to be replaced if you don’t want to, but I recommend also updating PotentialSpawnsForWars)
– Testing: make members always ragdoll instead of using death animations when offscreen

– some helicopter support. Members will parachute (or sometimes just free fall) from helicopters. If you want them to always survive the falls, set the gangMembersAreFallproofWhileParachuting mod option to true
– some fixes in handling extended saves of non-freemode peds as members
– Added “Lock current war reinforcement count” war menu option, for when you don’t want the war to end
– Added modOptions: gangMembersCanUseCover, gangMembersAreFallproofWhileParachuting, driverUpdateLimitWhileGoingToDest, driverUpdateLimitWhileDroppingOffPassengers, spawnLimitPercentToUseInAIOnlyWar

– fix for friendly members attacking the player
– attempt at making members spawn with weapons drawn during wars

– lots of new modOptions!
– in wars, members can spawn inside already spawned vehicles of their gang (only vehicles that are still being driven)
– turf levels displayed in the map blips (contributed by DarkRTA)
– setting “punishment for no spawns” interval to 0 or less should now properly disable the feature

– “multi-war” system added: AI gangs actually fight their wars in the open now
– wars now use preset spawn points whenever possible
– wars’ spawn points can be taken by attackers/defenders (or neutralized by “third party” gangs)
– gang vehicles in wars should come from different general directions according to whether they’re attackers/defenders instead of randomly
– added “gang members spawn everywhere”-like modOption, editable ingame
– tweaked default modOptions
– random fixes hehe

– “custom area zones” added (create a gang zone anywhere. Its “area of influence” is defined by a circle)
– driver spawn limiting (only ambient and war, backups are always spawned)
– war spawns limited to number of tickets
– little increase to the driver update limit before giving up
– secondaryColor of vehicles as customizable option for Gangs
– mind control health tweak (shouldn’t have more health than the member had now)
– extra area blip for wars (this one spawns around the player, to circumvent issues with “fighting at the border of the zone”)
– notificationsEnabled affecting most notifications
– more modOptions for regulating reinforcements in wars

-more cars spawn in wars
-vehicle driver tweaks
-GangAndTurfMod logs are now kept in only one file instead of a timestamped one for each day
-added “playerIsASpectator” and “membersCanDropMoneyOnDeath” ModOptions
-using Eddlm’s spawn generator for getting car spawns in urban areas
-“nerfed” the influence of the amount of owned zones in autocalc
-some checks for bad spawn points during wars
-war balancing tweaks
-“extended save mode” for ped registration. Can help with some addon peds that have extra details, but usually not needed

-fix for being immortal when mind controlling
-fix for gang cars never despawning

-updated to ScriptHookVDotNet V2.10.10
-fix for members dying on spawn
-Just like with SHVDN, this mod now requires .NET Framework 4.8 and Visual C++ redistributable 2019

-logger System changed to a “levels” approach
-(hopefully) reduced occurrences of people inside walls
-“preventAIExpansion” default is now false
-adjusting AI gangs’ weapons to the buyableWeapons List
-some default modoptions have been tweaked
-new modOption: maxRewardPerZoneOwned sets the reward given by maxed zones
-new zone rewards calculation, using maxRewardPerZoneOwned

-Fixes for issues when running the mod for the first time/without a ModOptions file/with an invalid ModOptions file



5/5 – (1 vote)

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File File size
123 KB

What are GTA 5 Mods?

At its core, GTA 5 is an open-ended game that allows players to roam a vast virtual world, indulging in various activities from heists to leisurely drives. However, for those yearning for more, the magic of mods steps in to fulfill their desires. GTA 5 mods are user-generated content that redefines the game’s experience, providing players with a canvas upon which they can unleash their imaginations.

The Diverse Landscape of GTA 5 Mods

The world of GTA 5 mods is an expansive landscape filled with a myriad of creative offerings. Modders continually contribute to this ever-growing ecosystem, and some of the popular mod categories include:

  1. Graphics Overhauls: Visual enhancements take GTA 5’s already impressive graphics to a whole new level. From realistic lighting and textures to environmental improvements, these mods create breathtaking scenery that pulls players even deeper into the virtual world.
  2. Wild Rides: Vehicle mods are a staple for any GTA 5 player. Car enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies alike revel in the vast assortment of new vehicles introduced, including real-life cars, futuristic rides, and everything in between.
  3. Gameplay Twists: For players seeking unique challenges, gameplay mods offer a fresh take on the game’s mechanics. Custom missions, interactive NPCs, and dynamic weather systems are just a few examples of the captivating gameplay modifications available.
  4. Immersive Role-Playing: Role-playing (RP) mods transport players into alternate realities, where they can assume various roles and interact with others in a living, breathing world. The RP community thrives on collaboration, fostering engaging experiences within the game’s framework.

The Art of Modding

Behind each mod lies a talented and dedicated modder, often driven purely by their love for the game and their desire to share their creations with the world. Modding is a form of artistry, where skilled individuals use their coding expertise, design prowess, and storytelling finesse to shape the GTA 5 universe.

The Impact on the Gaming Community

The impact of GTA 5 mods extends far beyond the virtual realm. The modding community brings together players from diverse backgrounds, united by their passion for creativity and innovation. Modders collaborate, exchange ideas, and support each other in their ventures, resulting in a vibrant and interconnected network of enthusiasts.

The Future of GTA 5 Mods

As GTA 5 continues to captivate players worldwide, the future of mods appears even brighter. With new technologies and tools emerging, modders will have even greater scope for exploration and innovation. The community’s creativity knows no bounds, and players can expect a constant stream of new content that keeps the virtual city of Los Santos alive and thriving.


GTA 5 mods have transformed the gaming experience from a fixed adventure into a dynamic realm of endless possibilities. Modders play an integral role in shaping the game’s future, and their dedication fuels the imagination of players worldwide. As the modding community thrives and evolves, GTA 5 remains a testament to the unbridled creativity and ingenuity that flourishes within the gaming community. With the boundless opportunities afforded by mods, players will continue to be enthralled by the diverse and ever-expanding world of GTA 5 for years to come.

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