Download San Andreas prostitution (Hooker Overhaul) V1.2

San Andreas prostitution

This mod aims to bring hookers to a similar state as they were in GTA SA, with some added features that aim to add a bit of spice to the pedtype, If you’re bored of them always running away, Say no more!

– Peds.ymt has been lightly tweaked to add the stripper walk animation into their possible walkcycles, as I thought it looked more natural than “move_f@chichi” and “move_f@manteater” (they still have this animation under their possible walkcycles but you can remove them)
-Pedpersonality.dat has been tweaked to give hookers some enhancements in their behaviour and his healthconfig has been change from “WEAK” to “AVERAGE” so they don’t get insta knocked down by a player’s punch on vanilla games, now they will have a chance contront the player if stalked, pushed or bumped into and fight back if attacked/startled by shots, but they still retain a chance of cowering/walking away and threatening to call the cops on the player (which will more or less happen if the hooker is unarmed or the player is wielding a gun that they cannot fight against with what they have)
-Ambientpedmodelsets.ymt has been edited to include S_F_Y_Hooker_03 (Black hookers) as possible peds to spawn soliciting outside Strawberry and Davis, at least to me it was a little weird that they would only spawn there and not Paleto bay or Vespucci beach where afro peds are also quite common.
– Hookers will now spawn in several neighbourhoods across Los Santos, in Paleto Bay and Sandy shores during the day, aiming for this to be more common at night just like in GTA SA.
– Hookers can now appear inside/outside the Vanilla Unicorn and the Yellow Jack Inn, based on multiple conversations they have implying they spend their “off duty” hours in bars, stripclubs and drag queen places.
– Hookers now have their own relationship group, this was at first not an intended feature but it was made this way to prevent random shootouts of hookers seeking to attack each other or being obliterated by some gangs if they happen to take out a gun to defend themselves, this relationship isn’t mutual and they will attack gangs if they feel threatened by them.
– Hookers have a custom loadout in order to have their own set of weapons they could spawn with (Unarmed, Switchblade, Knife, Brass Knuckle, SNS Pistol, Pistol, Revolver) with vaying chances, the more lethal the weapon is, the rarer it should be to encounter.
– Tweaked their “ambientmodelset” data to adapt them into their new status as ped.
– A side effect of them being a selectable ped to spawn is that hookers that are soliciting will have a reduced redundance, being that if more than one spawns as a ped this variety will also bleed into the hookers that spawn soliciting (As depicted in the first 2 screenshots)
– Popgroups.dat has also been edited to prevent/reduce the chance of certain hookers to spawn soliciting in determined places (for example S_F_Y_Hooker_02 will be for the most part the only one spawning soliciting at Sandy shores, 02 and 03 at Paleto bay and 01 will be more common on all the Vinewood districts, but the others will also spawn too)

Known issues:
– Unfortunately because of how scenarios work on the game, hookers that spawn as regular peds may not be able to be “hired” by the player, if anybody knows a way to make them available, let me know, as for know the only caveat to get around this is Hooker willingly walking into a soliciting “marker” (spot where they would stand still waiting to be picked up) and begin the scenario by themselves. which makes them hireable.
– Hookers that are soliciting are prone to run away even if they’re armed, they will have a multitude of behaviours going from pulling out a gun while runing away, to firing a single shot and running hit & run style, this is not intended and it’s related to they AI being affected by the scenario data they use for prostitution scenarios (which is that hookers are supposed to cower and sprint away at full speed, just like strippers do when security gets triggered)
– If a hooker is picked up by the player and then gets startled while on the player’s car, they will flip off the player to then proceed to jump out of the car if they don’t find a chance to get off safely, again, this is again due to conflicting AI.
– Sometimes the game will spawn an overwhelming amount of hookers around the street, this is merely dependant on which peds the game has selected to spawn and can happen with essentially any ped in the game, to paliate this i’ve released this mod, if you wish to increase texture variety with hookers, check it out! i’m also open to suggestions for more textures to add. if I ever figure out how to export models from others games (Such as WD2) I might be able to even add more drawables… but for now that’s just a thought
– Some people had playtested this and I’ve received some reports of crashing mid-game after installation, but this has been very variable, some people had had this issue after a few hours/minutes of testing while others never had it at all, I don’t know if it’s directly related to my mod, but still figured it might be necessary to warn you about it

To install, follow the instructions detailed at the ReadMe file, there you’ll have a detailed breakdown of where to drop each config in your mods folder

Drop each file in the following locations using OpenIV

Loadouts.meta: Mods/Update/update.rpf/common/data/ai

Ambientpedmodelsets.meta: Mods/Update/update.rpf/common/data/ai



popgroups.ymt: Mods/Update/update.rpf/x64/levels/gta5

peds.ymt: Mods/Update/update.rpf/x64/data

WARNING: Due to the nature of this mod this will conflict directly with any mod that alters the files included in it, however you can manually edit any files that conflict with your own mods folder to include the features of this mod safely ONLY if you know what you’re doing, however, i’ve included in my first update some guidance on how to edit each file manually, but I still advice to dive into it with caution, I will not take any reponsibility whatsoever if you mess up your files.



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Hooker mod
60 KB

What are GTA 5 Mods?

At its core, GTA 5 is an open-ended game that allows players to roam a vast virtual world, indulging in various activities from heists to leisurely drives. However, for those yearning for more, the magic of mods steps in to fulfill their desires. GTA 5 mods are user-generated content that redefines the game’s experience, providing players with a canvas upon which they can unleash their imaginations.

The Diverse Landscape of GTA 5 Mods

The world of GTA 5 mods is an expansive landscape filled with a myriad of creative offerings. Modders continually contribute to this ever-growing ecosystem, and some of the popular mod categories include:

  1. Graphics Overhauls: Visual enhancements take GTA 5’s already impressive graphics to a whole new level. From realistic lighting and textures to environmental improvements, these mods create breathtaking scenery that pulls players even deeper into the virtual world.
  2. Wild Rides: Vehicle mods are a staple for any GTA 5 player. Car enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies alike revel in the vast assortment of new vehicles introduced, including real-life cars, futuristic rides, and everything in between.
  3. Gameplay Twists: For players seeking unique challenges, gameplay mods offer a fresh take on the game’s mechanics. Custom missions, interactive NPCs, and dynamic weather systems are just a few examples of the captivating gameplay modifications available.
  4. Immersive Role-Playing: Role-playing (RP) mods transport players into alternate realities, where they can assume various roles and interact with others in a living, breathing world. The RP community thrives on collaboration, fostering engaging experiences within the game’s framework.

The Art of Modding

Behind each mod lies a talented and dedicated modder, often driven purely by their love for the game and their desire to share their creations with the world. Modding is a form of artistry, where skilled individuals use their coding expertise, design prowess, and storytelling finesse to shape the GTA 5 universe.

The Impact on the Gaming Community

The impact of GTA 5 mods extends far beyond the virtual realm. The modding community brings together players from diverse backgrounds, united by their passion for creativity and innovation. Modders collaborate, exchange ideas, and support each other in their ventures, resulting in a vibrant and interconnected network of enthusiasts.

The Future of GTA 5 Mods

As GTA 5 continues to captivate players worldwide, the future of mods appears even brighter. With new technologies and tools emerging, modders will have even greater scope for exploration and innovation. The community’s creativity knows no bounds, and players can expect a constant stream of new content that keeps the virtual city of Los Santos alive and thriving.


GTA 5 mods have transformed the gaming experience from a fixed adventure into a dynamic realm of endless possibilities. Modders play an integral role in shaping the game’s future, and their dedication fuels the imagination of players worldwide. As the modding community thrives and evolves, GTA 5 remains a testament to the unbridled creativity and ingenuity that flourishes within the gaming community. With the boundless opportunities afforded by mods, players will continue to be enthralled by the diverse and ever-expanding world of GTA 5 for years to come.

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